Age and Maturity
Unlike a toddler or preschooler, who most likely can't fully comprehend the significance of the Passover holiday and its symbols, your teen should have the maturity level to understand what you are explaining to him. According to the University of Delaware's Cooperative Extension's family and Human Development specialists, teens have the ability to think abstractly, understanding and pondering more esoteric concepts such as religion. This cognitive development allows your adolescent to get a grip on the symbolic nature of the Passover Seder plate, and see the items as more than just food.
Parsley or Karpas
While your teen might see the parsley on the Seder plate as garnish, the karpas is actually a symbol that has a few meanings in the Passover context. According to rabbi Jill Jacobs at the My Jewish Learning website, the karpas typically symbolize the way in which the Israelites flourished at the beginning of their time in Egypt. Additionally, this leafy green herb can also symbolize the new buds of the spring season.
Charoset, also known as haroset, might look like an odd little pile of nuts and assorted fruit bits to your teen, but she should know that this holiday mixture symbolizes mortar. As you tell your teen the story of Passover, explain to her that it was the Jewish slaves that built many of the buildings that the pharaoh commissioned. The charoset's mortar-like consistency is a symbol that refers back to the Israelites' days of building, before they were freed from the Pharaoh's forced labor.
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