Monday, April 27, 2015

Long Island Students Caught Wearing Incredibly anti-Semitic Shirts While Drinking Underage

The shirts bear the word "Auschwitz," accompanied by a swastika and the message "hit the showers"

By: Caitlin Marceau for Shalom Life

Students at Commack High School, in Long Island, really need to start making better choices. Recently two of them were photographed wearing anti-semitic t-shirts to a party.

The students wore bright red shirts with large black swastikas and the word “Auschwitz” written above the symbol. If that wasn’t inappropriate enough, the shirts also had “hit the showers” written beneath the Nazis symbol. From the look of them, it appears the students made the shirts themselves.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

For One Outspoken Teenager in Revolution-Era Iran, Queen Esther Was a Kindred Spirit

Amid political upheaval, an embattled girl fled entirely alone—the lessons of Purim’s heroine propelling her to freedom

By Sima Goel for Tablet Magazine
When I escaped from Iran in 1982 at the age of 17, I took a heart-wrenching journey into the unknown, crossing the dangerous Kavira Loot Desert in the company of smugglers. I was one of the first in my family to leave the country. I took nothing with me except my belief in freedom, a sense of my own identity, and my love for home and family.

Today, as we count down the days to Purim, I remember my life in Iran, and I feel my heart grow full. For most Jews, Purim and the story of Queen Esther provide the community with an opportunity to celebrate Jewish survival. For me, Purim and Esther bring me back to my hometown of Shiraz and the steps I, like Esther, took to stay true to myself.

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Hitler Facebook Post Rocks L.I. High School

Great Neck South under fire for ‘horrific’ image; school says it takes Holocaust education seriously.

Amy Sara Clark, Staff Writer, The Jewish Week

 A heavily Jewish Great Neck high school has come under scrutiny after someone posted a “horrific” anti-Semitic image on the freshman class’ Facebook page.

The image is of two young children, one of whom has been Photoshopped so that he has a Hitler-style mustache and Nazi armband. Above his head it says, “I’d rather be gassing Jews right now.”

Officials from Great Neck South High School and the district said in a public letter that the Facebook page is not under the auspices of the school, but that as soon as they learned of the posting on Sunday they immediately took action to get it removed.

The student who is suspected of having posted the image attends John F. Kennedy High School in Plainview, 15 miles away on Long Island, a Plainview school official confirmed. 

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Mom is a drug addict, where is God?

The Sufferer


Editor’s Note: This article was one of the finalists in our winter writing contest. More than 70 contestants from around the country and Israel answered the following question: “What Do You Want Jewish Community Leaders To Know About Teens Today?” The writer was granted anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter and to protect the family’s privacy.

She rolled around in her bed, muttering threats of self-harm under her breath. This was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that my mother spent consecutive days strung out on cocaine. She had torn my family apart, left my siblings lonely and desperate for affection and seemed to care for nothing but how and when she would get her next fix.

As a young boy, the concept of God was nothing short of baffling. Having attended a Jewish day school, I was injected with the notion that God was the omnipotent, omnipresent and ever-merciful master of the universe. I was told that God was everywhere.

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