The assignment materials cited Holocaust deniers, and represent a gross failure of judgment—and historical awareness
By Deborah E. Lipstadt
decades spent in the sewers of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, I
don’t horrify easily. But yesterday I learned that a school district in
Rialto, California, assigned 2,000 8th-grade students to write an essay
on whether or not they believe the Holocaust was “an actual event in
history, or merely a political scheme.”
Put simply, this is the greatest victory for Holocaust denial in well over a decade, if not more.
The language of the assignment is worth reading in full:
When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about
their actual existence. For example, some people claim the Holocaust is
not an actual event, but instead is a propaganda took that was used for
political and monetary gain. You will read and discuss multiple,
credible articles on this issue, and write an argumentative essay, based
upon cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you
believe this was an actual event in history, or merely a political
scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth. Remember to
address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim.
When you
ask a Holocaust denier why Jews would go to such great efforts to create
the myth of the Holocaust, nearly all have the same ready answer: Jews
have created this myth in order to deviously exercise political power
and enrich themselves. They will cite the two things it is commonly said
Jews “got” out of the Holocaust—reparations, and the State of Israel.
It’s classic anti-Semitism founded on the notion that Jews deviously
access power and do virtually anything for monetary gain, an idea that
can be traced to the New Testament’s depiction of Jews in relation to
the death of Jesus: The Jews sold out the Messiah and caused great grief
to billions of his future followers all for a few pieces of silver.
(Never mind the fact that everyone in the story is Jewish, with the
exception of the Romans—who were the ones who actually did the killing.)
with entries on the history of the Holocaust from and the
History Channel, they offered the students supporting “material” titled
“Is the Holocaust a Hoax?” that was taken from a Christian site. The
document cites the execution technology “expert” Fred Leuchter, a
leading denier, and presents a “theory” that Anne Frank’s diary was
forged. “Israel continues to receive trillions of dollars worldwide as
retribution for Holocaust gassings,” the document continues. “Our
country has donated more money to Israel than to any other country in
the history of the world—over $35 billion per year, everything included.
If not for our extravagantly generous gifts to Israel, every family in
America could afford a brand new Mercedes Benz.”
Continue reading.